Address declaration

In order to position an address on the map you have to enter the address first because the position is internally located (latitude, longitude). The address can be used by the address name afterwards.


Entering the address of the point of aim.

CO (Country)

Declaration of the country by ISO 3166 ALPHA 3 country code – e.g. GBR.

CI (City)

Declaration of the city name.

PC (PostalCode)

Declaration of the postal code (zip-code).

SN (StreetName)

Declaration of the street name.

NR (StreetNumber)

Declaration of the street number

Definition of Tolerances:

By specifying tolerances, more positions can be found, but it is possible that the result may be an incorrect positioning!

MA [min_accuracy]

With this parameter you can define the minimum accuracy an address location shall get. I.e. if you have a street with a house number in the query, but the lookup only finds the street and not the corresponding house number, you can reduce the accuracy with "min_accuracy=street".

Allowed values:

TO [tolerance]

With this parameter you can set the tolerance for misspellings.

Allowed values:

PA [postal_accuracy]

Allowed values:  0 - 10

By reducing the postcode accuracy, only the number of specified digits of the postcode is used in combination with the street name!

When specifying the value "3", the first 3 digits of the postal code and the street name must match!

Designing a request



Request examples

